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More than a terminal, we offer a service

Payment terminals and e-commerce

Reliable. Flexible. Innovative. Affordable.
Payment card accepted by Servipay payment terminals in Luxembourg
Made in Luxembourg Servipay
Servipay ecommerce solution luxembourg
Servipay merchant Rental of payment terminals Luxembourg
Online purchase Servipay Luxembourg
Servipay commerce payment

More than a terminal, we offer a service

Payment terminals and e-commerce

Reliable. Flexible. Innovative. Economic.
Payment card accepted by Servipay payment terminals
Servipay payment speed


Receive payment in D+1 on the account of your choice

Reliability of terminals at Servipay


A range of latest generation terminals

Maintenance security Servipay


An “all risks” maintenance contract

Servipay technical service


Technical support provided within 2 hours

​Be your partner
in the development of your business

Cost transparency at Servipay


Clear prices with no fixed transaction costs


Servipay merchant